JUNE Nature Happenings

Nature Happenings

  • June is Perennial Garden Month & National Rivers Month
  • Luna moths can be seen at night.
  • Garter snakes are seen in yards.
  • Viceroy, Fritillary and Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly mating seasons.
  • Listen for the trilling sound of the Black-Chinned Hummingbird's wings as it darts about in search of insects, nectar and females.
  • Keep nectar feeders fresh and change sugar solutions every three days as the temperature rises.
  • Many summer birds are not frequent feeder visitors but will seek out fresh water to beat the summer heat.
  • In new open space, watch for Say's Phoebes nd various flycatchers to search for flying insects and water to wash them down.
  • Some cavity-dwelling species may attempt to start a second brood, so check your nest boxes to clean out sterile eggs, spiders, wasps or other debris and consider adding fresh cedar shavings.